Am heutigen Montag (06. April) wird im INFO RADIO BERLIN/BRANDENBURG über unsere Fashion Touren berichtet. Am Ostersamstag, dem 11. April 2009 führen wir von 12 bis 16 Uhr unsere nächste Tour durch. Dieses mal durch den Bezirk Friedrichshain.
Ab Mai bieten wir unsere Mode-Stadtführungen auch in englischer Sprache an:
This tour offers the unique possibility to get an inside view of the Berlin Designer and Fashion World! We will visit ”off the main road” Designer Boutiques, have a look in the studio, see the new collection not yet available in stores and possibly meet the Designer in person. You will learn more about the historical developments of the Berlin Fashion scene but also get actual information about for example fashion education in Berlin. The program is partly flexible, so participants also have time to ask about personal interests.
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